The Kingston Centre of the Royal Canadian College of Organists has about 35 members. To become a member of the Centre requires the purchase of a membership in the College.
Membership is open to professional and non-professional organists, choir directors, students, and all organ enthusiasts who support the aims and objectives of the College, as reflected on the national website.
Community, Education, Inspiration
When discussing the benefits of membership, we like to emphasize not what one gets, but what one gives! Our Centre’s three guiding principles, which give us our reasons for being members, are Community, Education, and Inspiration. We create Community by building connections with other organists and organ enthusiasts and engaging in outreach to introduce the wider community to the organ. We foster Education, of ourselves and others, by encountering new ideas, supporting organ students through scholarships and exams, and keeping abreast of current discussions and knowledge through the Kingston Centre Newsletter and journals such as Organ Canada. We discover Inspiration when we enjoy great performances locally and at national conventions.
Additional Benefits Available to Members
Members receive quarterly issues of Organ Canada (the College’s magazine), may apply to take College diploma examinations, and may attend the exciting annual RCCO convention and organ festival (which is hosted by a different Centre every year across Canada) at reduced rates. Members may also enjoy reduced rates for subscriptions to The American Organist and other trade magazines, and at the conventions of the American Guild of Organists.
The national website contains many resources from which members may benefit through a log-in process, such as access to a directory of members, lists of publications, and a roster of vacant positions across Canada. Many members enjoy participating in governance and committee work at the Centre and national levels. RCCO members attached to the Kingston Centre receive the Centre Newsletter free of charge and enjoy reduced rates to Centre events when they are not free admission. Members may also benefit from professional support if required. Prospective members are encouraged to visit the national website for more information, or contact a member of the Centre Executive at the coordinates listed on the Executive page under About Us.
Applying for Membership
It is possible to apply for or renew membership online through the College website (by visiting and clicking on “Join Us”).
The College year is from June 1 to May 31. Annual fees are due June 1. Members in arrears may be removed from membership. New members joining during the period December 1 to May 31 pay one half of the appropriate fee.